Fuck Buddy Dating

A Guide to Casual Sex Hookups

Meeting Girls
winning dating profiles
Winning Profiles
How to write a winning dating profile that steers the date to joyous action.
playing straight
Playing Straight
Play it fairly straight to win, because bluffs will be tested
Only Talk to Local Women
Focus on what's close because the distant is a hard catch
Sell Yourself, but Don't Oversell
Tell her what's good about you, but be sure to deliver
Don't Just Show Up
You've got to bring something interesting, so dazzle her wildly
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No Strings Attached Encounters

Only Talk to Local Women

Once you know what you like, the hunt begins. You start looking for girls that remind you of good times you've had before or new experiences you're eager to try.

Sometimes you start wandering a little. These websites let you pick any area, so you look to the big city and the next city over and think about grabbing some of those girls. Why fish from a small river if you can fish from many larger ones? You could have fuckbuddies in every area code, right?

It's not a problem to scout widely if you travel frequently for work or if you have enough time and money to travel for fun. The latter is not a bad way to spend money on the weekends. But for most people, the logistics for a long-distance fuckbuddy make it hard to pull off.

Figure she has a normal college schedule or job. Friday nights and Saturday night are prime hookup nights, continuing in to the next day. How are you going to get there on Friday? If you're driving somewhere for a few hours, are you going to have the energy to get down with her once you arrive?

Compare that to driving 20 minutes to meet a local girl. Of course you're ready to go, and you can spontaneously hookup during the week too.

And if she has roommates or other complications, you've got to make it easy for her to come to your place.

The general rule is one local fuck buddy beats ten long-distance fuck buddies. Keep your range within what you can handle and you'll be deep in hot pussy.

naked hiking

Naked hiking for a long-distance fuck buddy

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